Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I really liked YouTube. It is a pretty AWESOME site. You can spend hours on it !!!!!! I really love music so that is where I spent most of my time. Music helps you get through alot in your life. It helps with the ups and downs. It helps bring back memories. It helps make new memories.

I chose 'Wedding Thriller Dance' because it is awesome. It is fun and makes me smile.

I chose 'God Bless the USA--Lee Greenwood' because I love this country. I love our flag. I am proud to be an American.

I chose 'Osmonds--I Believe' because this is what I believe.

I chose 'Murmaids' because it was an early favorite of my growing up years. In fact, I have the 45 record on my record player right now !!!

How can YouTube be applied to library websites? It would give Baby Boomers a place where they can look up music from their growing up years. They can not only listen to the music, but, also watch the performers in most cases. I found The Beatles, The Temptations, etc. You can even find the big bands and other Doo Wop music !!!!!

As in alot of things, there are also the negative parts of YouTube. Some peoples ideas of what is entertaining is a little questionable. As for the information areas, you have to be the one to decide if you believe what is on the site or not.

All in all, I had fun with YouTube and I plan to check it out again---soon. But first, I need to continue on the other areas of the 23 Things.

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